If you want to know Jesus as your personal Savior and have a relationship with God, you can pray to God, confessing the following:
Acknowledge your sin.
Admit you have sinned..... “Lord, I have sinned against you and against people. I know I am a sinner and I cannot save myself.“
It is only at the point that which we realize we are sinners in need of a savior that we can believe with our hearts in Jesus as our needed Savior.
As a whole, we are separated from God's glory because of the wrong we have done, will do, and are doing. We need a savior to stand in as a replacement for the punishment of our sins.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:8).
Repent of your sin.
Confess and leave your sin..... “Lord, I know you died on the cross because of my sins. I confess my sins before you. Thank you for dying in my place. Thank you for dying for me. Forgive me for all my sins. Come into my life. I repent (turn away) from my sins and desire to follow You.”
This step is the understanding that sin is wrong and the willingness to stop sinning by turning from the old way of living.
Only through the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) inside of us will our hearts begin to change to be more like Jesus and grow closer to the Father (the First person of the trinity) who loves us. We receive the Holy spirit when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
As Lord of our lives, it is Jesus who leads us with His example of living without sin.
"The person who claims he is continuing to live in [fellowship with] Jesus should also live the way He did" (1 John 2:6).
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).
Believe in the Son of God.
Believe in Jesus..... “Lord, I believe in You, that You came to take my sins upon the cross and You died in my place. You died because of my sins. And because you died, You have offered me forgiveness for all my sins, every thing I have ever done wrong.“
Jesus came to earth to be the Messiah written about in the Old Testament prophecies. He is the second person of the Trinity, the Living God who came to earth in flesh as a man, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for all the sin of all men as the payment for our sins, and rose again to defeat death so we can live in heaven for eternity with God.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and only through Him and His payment will we be saved from the clutches of death and not cast into hell.
If we believe these things with our hearts and confess them with our mouths, we will be saved.
"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
When you pray this prayer from your heart, sincerely desiring God’s forgiveness and desiring to live for Him; He will forgive you your sins, come into your life, and transform you. You are a child of God, adopted into God’s family.
Congratulations! on becoming a part of God's forever family. Obviously this is only a first step. Should you like to know more about your decision please use the contact form on this website to tell us about your commitment to Jesus. We will send you more information.
Now what?
Begin to read the Bible – you can start with John in the New Testament. Gradually become familiar with all the books of the Bible for a better understanding of the Word.
Begin to pray daily – Ask God for guidance and to teach you more about Himself. Pray for the needs in your life and in other’s lives. And give thanks.
Find a Bible-believing Church to attend and to serve. It is important to meet regularly with other Christians and learn from them and learn from the Bible. And see how God wants to use you in His service.
Give – Give of yourself in service to the Lord because of what He has done in your life. Serve with your testimony, time, treasures, and talents. Give to others in need and share God's love with others.
Witness – Tell others what God has done and is doing in your life.
"That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. We write these things to you that your joy may be full" (1 John 1:3-4).
Jesus said "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me" (Revelations 3:20).